Monday, November 20, 2017

Artist Statment - Morgan Y.

Morgan Yabeny
Painting I
Artist Statement

            My oil on canvas painting is called Intervals. The name depicts most the paintings tones, process, and meaning. The picture shows a figure in a certain setting along with other few objects. The figure is a representation of myself along with the theater happy and sad faces. This is also accompanied by a spacious apartment room along with a rose and Plato's head statue. These represents different aspects that affects my life's perspective and towards the physical body. The amount of space between the figures gives the picture movement along with my self-motivations. The colors chosen help convey sophistication, tenderness, and loneliness. I used a lot of neutral tones of blue and yellow along with neutral values so some objects could be interpretive. The image references towards Frida Khalo's many self-portraitist because of her poses. A lot of emotion are conveyed just through her single pose. Her poses are powerful and meaningful. I try to incorporate that meaning along with this attempted piece. 

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