

Class Schedule

The following is the weekly schedule for this course. Most weeks will include presentations, in-class assignments, and outside-class assignments. Presentations may include lectures, example images, class discussions, and demonstrations. I will upload to a class blog the handouts for each assignment.

Week 1
Course Introduction, Preliminary Drawings In Class, Review of Materials
Purchase Supplies-  SCHOOL STORE KIT
A1– Write the class a letter on your connection with painting, share on blog, print out a copy


(LECTURE on Artists)
Class Discussion on Letters, Collaborative Color Paintings,
Research artist you are interested in, be prepared to post in 1 week (1/2 page written summary with images) post on blog, Prep Surfaces w/ gesso
Week 2
Tools and Getting Started Painting
(LECTURE on Surfaces)
Painting: How to Begin (canvas and paint), still-life, set up palette
A2  (2) Black & White Still-lives, Create 5 of your own tools, Gesso Cardboard for class


VALUE -- Black & White Still-Life

Week 3
Labor Day- No Class
No class
No class

(LECTURE on Tools)
Tools: Hand-made--Brushes & Rags & Tubes
3 color still-life limited palette
A3-- Construct a Canvas 26” x 28” in the WOODSHOP, Stretch & Gesso (materials provided)-- DUE @ REVIEW TIME

A4- Texture painting
Week 4
Color Theory
(LECTURE on Color Theory)Color Mixing Studies
A5 – “Paint by numbers” painting  & Listen to Radio Lab Color Episode


Color Swatch Remixing and Composition painting

Week 5
Color Plein Air
Field Trip: Outdoor Painting
A6 – (2) Outdoor Painting, 5 sketches of proposed location


Field Trip: Outdoor Painting

Week 6

Outdoor Paint on your own (with another student)
A7–, Multiple Object (Triadic Colors) , Sketch 5 different charcoal value Thumbnail compositions, 18" x 24"

Single & Multiples
(LECTURE on 1,2,3…Composition.)
Thumbnail sketches
Still-life: 3 color multiple object
(Transparency & Blocking)

Week 7
Singles & Multiples
In-Class Work Day, continue still life painting in progress
A8 – Painting of a Painting: 2nd version
A9–Painting of a Painting of a Painting: 3rd Version
prepare portfolio


Still-life painting
Vocabulary Quiz

Week 8
individual Reviews & Midterm Evaluation


Individual Reviews

Week 9
Still-life: Fabric
A10 –ABSTRACT PAINTING 5 Abstracted Pattern Based on Collages of found or painting paper materials --going to be CANVAS # 1


Continue Still-life: Fabric

Week 10
Fieldtrip: Visit Biology Greenhouse
continue ABSTRACT PAINTING based on collages-- and sketches from greenhouse CANVAS # 1


VISIT MUSEUM SHOW @ 5:30pm, arrive a few minutes early to museum
A13 -- Written Review of Frida Kahlo exhibit, written and posted on blog
A12 – Study for FRIDA KAHLO PAINTING painting, Draw 5 Thumbnail compositions for your painting, 5 reference photos.CANVAS #2
Week 11
IN class work day on ABSTRACT PAINTING & in progress critique
FINISH ABSTRACT PAINTING, underpainting on Frida Kahlo canvas
** Bring charcoal and newsprint to next class


portrait painting

Week 12
Nude Model in Class
continue Frida kahlo paintings, ***bring an object to trade with another person in class on 11/13



Week 13
2D - 3D
Nude model in class
A14 – TRADED OBJECT PAINTING incorporating the materials you received in class, experiment with material and mark, FINISH FRIDA KHALO PAINTING


Extended Stick paintings (TRADED OBJECTS)

Week 14
2D - 3D
A15– MATISSE CUTOUT PAINTING --Create 5 Digital sketches with free downloaded app on computer/phone, print out and bring to class, ** bring scissors and paint some colored papers, glue stick, prep surfaces

No Class

Week 15
2D - 3D
In- class work day on MATISSE CUTOUT PAINTING, create color palette
continue MATISSE CUTOUT PAINTING painting based on collages, 
** please complete the course evaluation


In class work day for MATISSE CUTOUT PAINTINGS

Week 16
Final Reviews
Prepare portfolio


Last Day of Class:
Final Review in Class
No homework
Week 17
Finals Week
Return portfolios with comments for pickup
No homework


No class
No homework

 Fall 2017 Course: ARTS 207

Prerequisites: Drawing I

Meeting Time: Monday & Wednesday 5:30pm-8:15pm

Location: Art Building 245, (Building # 84 on UNM Campus map)

Course Credit: 3 Hours Earned

Instructor: Molly Zimmer (

Contact: (e-mail)

Office Hours: Mondays 4:30-5:30pm, TA office, 2nd floor next to classroom

Course Blog:

Course Description: Painting 1

“Painting materials and techniques, integrating basic drawing concepts with color theory and composition. Emphasis on descriptive and perceptual skills through assigned problems which explore aspects of still life, landscape, portraiture and/or the figure.”

Throughout this course, we will develop and expand on the 6 basic skills that lead a person to a deeper understanding of what it is to make a painting.

These skills are:
  1. Build Supports and Canvases
  2. Proficiently Mix Colors of Pigment and setup a palette
  3. Develop, Use and Experiment with Brushes, Pallet Knives, Rags, and Hand-Made Tools
  4. Manipulate Surfaces Expressively and in a Manner Logical to the Painted Image
  5. Generate Creative Solutions to Issues in Paint
  6. Cultivate a Knowledge of Contemporary Painters

You will be introduced to a variety of materials and techniques, and in addition to traditional approaches, we will further explore line and “the mark” and what it means to draw today by looking at some current themes and practices in contemporary painting. We will be exploring ideas about the hand made and hand touched image, as well as ideas about collaged, assembled, altered, imprinted and transferred images.  We will work from direct observation of physical objects as well as from the human figure. We will incorporate photography, found media, writing, text and mapping into our inquiries.  We will work in the classroom and also “off site” at other locations.  We will participate in exercises that test our perception, and we will explore ways to generate images from our imagination; all the while becoming attentive to our individual, internal visions, using our own mythologies and stories, and connecting with our “mind’s eye”.

In the Concise Oxford Dictionary, there are 2 main definitions of the word paint.

1. Paint (noun): A colored substance that is spread over a surface and dries to leave a thin decorative or protective coating
2. Paint (verb): Cover the surface of (something) with paint, as decoration or protection

In this class we will be addressing both of these definitions in some form or another.
Teaching Philosophy
“At the heart of all drawing is an interactive process of seeing, visualizing, and expressing images. The images we see give rise to our discovery of the world; the images we visualize enable us to think in visual terms and to understand what we see; the images we draw allow us to express and communicate our thoughts and perceptions.” ~ Francis D. K. Ching, Drawing, A Creative Process
Course Supplies
Sign up for a locker in the ARTS building to help you store your materials.
I suggest that you purchase all of your supplies at the UNM BOOKSTORE. I have already picked out a kit of materials for you to purchase to get you started. Be prepared to replenish some of your supplies half way through the semester or as needed.

KIT Supplies
Sketchbook (approximately 8” x 10” size)
I small Dawn Dish Soap Bottle
12” x 16” Oil Paint disposable paper palette
1 plastic container, approximately 12” x 16”
1 package of metal palette knives ~3-5
Silicoil Jar
      Palette: Please find a resealable plastic container for mixing your paints in.
2 Rolls of VIVA paper towels
      1 Color wheel
32oz of Gamsol
1 small bottle of Liquin
Linseed Oil 4oz
1 pad of 18” x 24” Watercolor Paper
1 Pad of Canvas Paper 9” x 12”
1 Pad of  12” x 16” canvas paper
1 large 2” wide cheap Gesso Brush
1 # 12 Flat
1 #10 Filbert
1 Kit of Brushes (varied sizes)
32oz of Gesso
6  pieces of cardboard , approximately 16” x 20”
1 box of Nitrile disposable gloves (fits you)
Cream colored Masking Tape (1” wide), not the artist or drafting kind, get cheapest
Titanium White (200ml)
Cadmium Red Medium
Permanent Alizarin Crimson
Ultramarine Blue
Cobalt Blue
Cadmium Yellow Medium
Cadmium Yellow Light
Naples Yellow
Raw Sienna
Ivory Black
Burnt Sienna
Burnt Umber
Payne’s Grey
Yellow Ochre
Viridian Green
Permanent Green Light
Sap Green

18” x 24” Drawing board to adhere surfaces to
Clothes suitable for getting paint on
Close-toed Shoes
Black Vine Charcoal
Graphite Pencils
Hard Eraser
Small Hand Pencil Sharpener
      Plastic box to hold all paints in (your choice of size) or cardboard box
Ruler (at least 12” in length) plastic
X-Acto Knife
Combination lock for ART building lockers

Supply Outlets: (all closed on Sunday except Michael’s):
UNM Bookstore 277-0111
Artisan Santa Fe (10% student discount) 3017 Monte Vista Blvd NE   256-4540
Michael’s Arts and Crafts 4410 Wyoming Blvd NE 299-4007
                   11140 Lomas Blvd NE 271-4955

Library & Research
I will be requiring that you utilize the library resource for specific projects to expand your knowledge of contemporary artists.

The Fine Arts Library is located in the Architecture Building, 4th floor (on Central Avenue, adjacent to the UNM Bookstore).

Student Expectations
  • All work done for this class should be for this class alone.
  • NO late assignments will be accepted, no extra credit
  • If you are absent for a class it is your responsibility to ask if there was an assignment given that session.
Keep all coursework and assignments; no work is to be discarded.

You are expected to participate in every aspect of this course. This includes projects, assignments, book lectures, informal discussions, critiques, and studio cleanup. Lack of participation in any of these areas will be reflected in your final course grade.

Studio Etiquette
  • No headphones allowed during class time.
An art studio is a creative environment as well as an educational one. Be respectful of your classmates, they are working hard to learn and develop new skills as much as you are.

  • There will be periodic in-class critiques designed to provide student and instructor feedback.
  • A strong emphasis will be placed on critical thinking skills with regard for technical, formal, and conceptual issues.
  • Attention and participation from everyone is expected.

  • It is important that you come prepared for every session.
  • Bring all of these materials and all art supplies to every class
  • Consistent lack of preparation will act the quality of your work and lower your grade.
  • Display work before class begins
  • You must present your work, whether finished or not.

Your portfolio is to be presented in a professional manner for midterm and final review. How you maintain your work is as important as the work you create. When preparing your portfolio for submission, all work needs to be arranged in chronological order. To the best of your ability, all work must be free of bends, creases, tears, marks, smudges, fingerprints, etc. Before submitting your portfolio make sure to review your work and clean or erase any unintentional marks and trim bent edges and corners. All work must be signed and dated either on the front or the back.

This class requires you to keep a sketchbook. A sketchbook is an integral part of this course and will be graded. Regular use of it will help you develop your drawing skills and painting ideas and quickness, as well as your individual style. Traditionally a sketchbook includes a variety of things, but for this class the sketchbook will be dedicated to color, form and space. You may incorporate various media. Carry it with you at all times and make it a goal to fill two or three pages everyday. The sketchbook will be graded twice: 30 pages should be filled for the Mid-Term Check-in, and another 30 pages should be filled for the Final Sketchbook in your Portfolio.

Blog Posts and Participation Etiquette
You are expected to do 2 posts on the class blog throughout the semester. One in the first half, and one in the second half. These each count for 5pts of your grade. These posts will be assigned in time slots during class time.

You are expected to post a comment each week to someone’s blog post. These count as 14pts of your final grade in the course. You are expected to be respectful of your peers when you post comments, which includes not using vulgar or inappropriate language, do not demean or attack your peer’s work. Write constructive, insightful and engaging comments or questions to the posts. Please refer to the handout posted on the blog about etiquette. Please also refer to the handouts on how to post on a blog.

  • Make sure you check your email and class blog regularly, as I will use it as the primary means of communication.
The best way to communicate with me is in person prior to or after a course session. This includes clarification on course topics, assignments, and other concerns. If you will be absent from class notify me via email beforehand. If you have a serious matter you would like to discuss at length or in person, notify me as soon as possible and we can schedule a time to meet outside of class.
Attendance will be taken for every session.
  • Absence Policy: I will allow THREE TOTAL, after which, each additional absence is considered unexcused. Absences count as sick, family or personal issues, doctors appointments or any other reason you are not attending class. Additional absences will lower grade by one letter.
  • After you have have been tardy for 3 classes, it will count as an absence. Showing up more than 10 minutes late will count as an absence.

Poor attendance and consistent tardiness will be reflected in your final course grade regardless of work quality. Extenuating circumstances will be considered on an individual basis.

Grading Policies

This is a beginning Painting Course.  A basic knowledge of drawing is necessary; proficiency is our goal for Painting I.

Determination of your grade will be based on personal development derived from course topics and your ability to show progress based on these topics. Other considerations include completion of assignments, class and critique participation, attitude, attendance, preparedness, and creative endeavor.

You will be assigned 2 grades throughout the semester. The two are assigned with your midterm and final portfolio submissions. I will return your portfolio with a grade sheet. The grade sheet will provide a grade for each assignment based on certain criteria, as well as a grade for overall course performance. The grade assigned for both portfolio submissions will be averaged and determine your final course grade.

A      Consistently outstanding. Excellent work and habits. Significant growth in skill development and demonstrated ability in understanding and effectively assimilating presented concepts. Meets all grading criteria to a superior degree. Participation and attendance is excellent.
B      Consistently good, above, and better than average work. Demonstrated improvement and growth in skill development and concept assimilation. Meets all grading criteria to an above average degree.
C      Consistently adequate in growth with average progress in skill development and concept assimilation. Meets minimum levels of acceptance in all grading criteria.
D      Below average, less than adequate improvement. Meets minimum levels of acceptance in some but not all grading criteria.
F      Unsatisfactory, unacceptable, insufficient improvement. Inconsistently meets deadlines and finishes assignments. Does not meet minimum levels of acceptance in any grading criteria.


Incomplete grades are not given in the course. You must either accept the assigned final grade or plan to drop the course.

Grading Criteria

To receive a B- or higher in this course, you must:

  • Attend class regularly, do not miss more than 3 classes. Show up on-time.
  • Turn in all assignments on-time and completed.
  • Spend at least 5 hours per week on each assignment
  • Participate in class, practice focused drawing.
  • Develop your own drawing style, and personal narrative.
  • Pay attention to feedback, and implement these comments from the Instructor.
  • To receive an A: your grade will be determined on these aspects.

  1. Completeness and Appropriateness
  2. Development
  3. Design
  4. Creativity
  5. Tools and Methods Used
Your final grade will be determined by the following:
Midterm In-Class Assignments: 0-14pts (1pts each class day)
Midterm Participation (In-class & on Blog): 0-14pts
Midterm Sketchbook: 0-40pts (1pt each sketch)
Midterm Homework Assignments: 8 assignments, 0-32pts (4pts each)
Midterm Artist Blog Post: 0-5pts

Final In-Class Assignments: 0-14pts (2pts each class day)
Final Participation (In-class & on Blog): 0-14pts
Final Sketchbook: 0-30pts (1pt each sketch)
Final Homework Assignments: 8 assignments, 0-32pts
Final Artist Blog Post: 0-5pts
TOTAL Points: 200pts
*Incomplete grades are not given in the course.
You must either accept the assigned final grade or plan to drop the course.
Letter grade percentage chart:
100.00 % - 93.00 %
 A (Excellent)
92.99 % - 90.00 %
89.99 % - 87.00 % B+(Above average)
86.99 % - 83.00 % B
82.99 % - 80.00 % B-(Satisfactory, minimum expectations)
79.99 % - 77.00 % C+
76.99 % - 73.00 % C (Unsatisfactory, meeting a few of expectations)
72.99 % - 70.00 % C-
69.99 % - 67.00 % D+
66.99 % - 60.00 % D (Passing, below expectations)
59.99 % - 0.00 % F (Failure)
Studio Policies
Smoking is not allowed at any time in this or any building. Beverages in containers with lids or caps can be brought into the studio but must be kept at a distance from all work areas. Food is not allowed in the studio at any time.

You are responsible for maintaining a quiet and productive working environment. Turn off all digital devices prior to class, including cell phones. Use of cell phones is prohibited. You will be instructed when it is appropriate to use personal music devices with headphones.

Clean your work area at the end of each course session. This includes returning all studio supplies and furniture to their original location and the removal of personal supplies to be taken with you or stored in your studio locker. You will also need to take with you artwork and supplies that do not fit in your studio locker. No artwork is to be left in the studio, including on studio walls.

At the end of the semester all work and supplies must be removed from the studio and studio lockers. Faculty has been authorized to withhold final course grades for students whose work has not been removed prior to the Monday after finals week.
Student Conduct & Academic Integrity
Paintings done for this class, should be for this class only. You cannot submit a painting for a grade that was for a previous class, or done on your own time.

When we research artists, or do presentations, or you are copying a master work-- you must always cite your source material, including where your research is coming from. I will give you handouts on proper formatting and visual analysis writing styles when considering how to write about visual artwork.

We will also discuss cultural appropriation: and consider what are the ethics of appropriating photographs, imagery, symbols, and expressions of a culture that you do not personally identify with. These forms of “plagiarism” must also be cited and discussed.

Students at UNM enjoy significant freedom of artistic expression and are encouraged to stretch their scholarly and artistic boundaries. However, the school prohibits all forms of academic dishonesty. For present purposes “ academic dishonesty” understood as the appropriation and representation of another’s work as one’s own, whether such appropriation includes all or part of the other’s work or whether it comprises all or part of what is represented as one’s own work (plagiarism). Appropriate citation avoids this sort of dishonesty. In addition, “ academic dishonesty” includes cheating in any form, the falsification of academic documents or the falsification of works or references for use in class or other academic circumstances. When such dishonesty is discovered, the consequences to the student can be severe.

The Student Conduct Code can be found online at: - studentcode.
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA Compliance)
In accordance with University Policy 2310 and the Americans with Disabilities Act, academic accommodations may be made for any student who notifies their instructor of the need for assistance. It is important that the student bring any such issues to the attention of the instructor, as they are not legally permitted to inquire. If a student requires assistance in an emergency situation, they should inform the instructor as to the most appropriate procedures to follow.

Contact the Accessibility Resource Center for additional information (277-3506).
UNM Campus Safety
We have instituted many programs at UNM to ensure your safety while on campus, but safety really begins with you. The following are some tips to help protect you from crime:
  • The UNM Police department offers escort services to anyone needing an escort from an on-campus location to another on-campus location 24 hours, 7 days a week. We do not give off campus escorts. Call 277-2241 for more information. 
  • Enroll in "LoboAlerts" to receive important safety notifications in the event of a campus emergency. 
If you are a victim of a crime or witness any crimes or suspicious circumstances, call UNM Police (505-277-2241) immediately.

UNM Title IX Disclaimer

The University of New Mexico is committed to creating and maintaining a community in which students and employees can learn and work together in an atmosphere that enhances productivity and draws on the diversity of its members, and is free from all forms of disrespectful conduct, intimidation, exploitation, and harassment.

If you have a personal issue that you wish to speak about and remain anonymous, you can visit these Lobo Respect Advocacy Center on campus at University Advisement and Enrichment Center, Room 262, more information at

In an effort to meet obligations under Title IX, UNM faculty, Teaching Assistants, and Graduate Assistants are considered “responsible employees” by the Department of Education (see pg 15 -   This designation requires that any report of gender discrimination which includes sexual harassment, sexual misconduct and sexual violence made to a faculty member, TA, or GA must be reported to the Title IX Coordinator at the Office of Equal Opportunity ( For more information on the campus policy regarding sexual misconduct, see:

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